Sunday, August 24, 2014

Reflection on High School Mathematics Strategies

After observing many mathematics teachers in my district I have seen many strategies being used in the high school classroom environment. Many of the strategies that I have seen are successful for teaching mathematics, though there are some that are not. My blog is going to talk about five strategies that are used successfully for the high school math classroom and one strategy that I feel is not successful. For each of these strategies I will include a video on what they are and how they are used in the classroom. If there is anyone that feels I have not included a strategy that would be useful or feel that the strategy that I picked for no use in this particular type of classroom, please feel free to leave me a comment.

The first strategy that I feel is successful in the mathematics classroom is Collaborative or Cooperative Learning. Collaborative learning is an approach where students are encouraged to learn in small groups to achieve the same task. I feel that this approach to learning has become essential in a mathematics classroom, mostly due to the implementation of Common Core. The Common Core standards require a more collaborative environment. The standards are based on using

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