Sunday, February 23, 2014

Brain-Based Learning in a Digital Age

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     So a new idea in teaching? Brain-Based Learning. Well...what is it? It is actually quite simple. This new theory is based on the brain and how it functions. (Brain-Based Learning) Basically, everyone does learn and we are learning all the time everyday. So let me guess...You're thinking so what? Another new theory about how children can do better in their classrooms. If you are thinking that, you are wrong, the truth is that this theory can be used in many ways for the 21st century classroom.

First, you need to know the principles and how they can be applied in the everyday classroomThe key fundamentals of brain-based learning are:

“The brain is a parallel processor, meaning it can perform several activities at once, like tasting and smelling." (The Twelve Principles for Brain-Based Learning)

Implementation: If we consider the first principle, it talks about how the brain can learn by performing
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multiple tasks at once. Technology can help teachers reach this type of learning by having the students listen to the teacher teaching the lesson and using their iPad or other device to help visualize the shapes or the
problems in the lesson. This can be extremely important in a geometry class. Students need to have an explanation in words while picturing the concept in their head.  The tablet would allow them to be able to check if they are visualizing it correctly and become faster at visualizing.

"Learning engages the whole physiology." (The Twelve Principles for Brain-Based Learning)

Implementation: The basis of this principle is that the whole health of the child affects their brain and therefore
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their learning capability.  In order for my students to understand the benefit of sleeping at least 8 hours a night and eating healthy, I would encourage physical activity and nutrition. Now you are thinking, well how are you going to do that? Well, I feel that I could present a lesson with statistics on how important taking care of your body is and how it affects their brains. This lesson would hopefully empower my students to keep up their physical health to increase their mental health. 

"The search for meaning is innate." (The Twelve Principles for Brain-Based Learning)

Implementation: This next principle is mentioning the fact that students always search for meaning in everything.  As teachers we need to create a stable and familiar environment with enriched experiences.
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(The Twelve Principles for Brain-Based Learning) In my future classroom, I feel to reach this goal we need to create a routine for our students to expect everyday. A great way to accomplish this is to have a theme for everyday and also keeping the normal routine. For example, everyday we would start class with warm-up, next we would go through questions on the homework, then we would move to the lesson of the day, and last we would have an "exit ticket" that includes questions of the days lesson. During the lesson of the day we would be able to create these experiences based on the days theme. For example, I could incorporate hands on learning into the lesson by having students go outside to take measurements to find the area of shapes. A tablet can be used for the students to keep track of the measurements and to take pictures of the object that they chose to find its area. 

"The search for meaning comes through patterning." (The Twelve Principles for Brain-Based Learning)

Implementation: Patterns are everywhere. Now why is it important in the classroom? Our brain more
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efficiently takes in information through patterns. When information is taken in through patterns we are better able to make connections with related information. One way to create this is to use the same technique as described above, by having themes for the day. Another way to use patterns to our advantage is to have lessons that are related to more than one topic of study. This allows our brains to remember more information. 
(The Twelve Principles for Brain-Based Learning) A great is example is the subject of physics, which uses mathematics and science.The Common Core is encouraging teachers to create this environment in the classroom. 

"Emotions are critical to patterning." (The Twelve Principles for Brain-Based Learning)

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Implementation: Emotions are critical to encourage learning in the classroom. Emotions affect the function of the brain. A student needs to have a safe emotional environment. In order to create this feeling I would establish rules about respect in the classroom. It is also important for students to feel comfortable to emote their feelings to one another. Passion is a large source of learning. As a teacher, I want to show my passion for learning to inspire my students to do the same for others. 

"The brain processes wholes and parts simultaneously." (The Twelve Principles for Brain-Based Learning)

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ImplementationI will teach the students the whole concept and then break it down into smaller parts.  By introducing the whole concept and then focusing on the individual parts the student develops a better understanding of the parts.  When the student understands each of the parts, I will discuss the overall concept again and the student will be able to put together the pieces in context (Considering the Whole-Part-Whole learning model).

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"Learning involves both focused attention and peripheral perception." (The Twelve Principles for Brain-Based Learning)

Implementation: The difference between focused attention and peripheral perception is that in focused attention you have the students full attention.  An example of Peripheral perception is when a student is focused on a particular problem and listening to a side conversation and taking in that information as well. Students need time to process the math concept and how the concept is implemented.  Without this time, the student will not learn at the same rate. This can be handled by breaking the lessons into smaller units.

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"Learning involves both conscious and unconscious processes." (The Twelve Principles for Brain-Based Learning)

ImplementationI will help the student become proficient at the math process by practicing it until they know it on an unconscious level.  Once they learn it on an unconscious level, they will be able to complete the problems quickly and easily (Image 9).

"We have two types of memory: spatial and rote." (The Twelve Principles for Brain-Based Learning)
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Implementation: First, let's think about the definition of rote memory versus spatial memory. "Rote learning, also known as learning by repetition, is a method of learning by memorizing information." (What is Rote Learning?) "In neuroscience, spatial memory is the part of memory responsible for recording information about one's environment and its spatial orientation." (Spatial Memory) We need to learn to reach both types of memory. An idea for reaching rote memory is: A computer program can be used to create the opportunity for repetitive learning by allowing the student to practice a particular kind of math problem.  This repetition allows for long-term retention of a math concept.  The teacher is able to review a concept while the student creatures closure in his mind by using the summarizing and using the concept (Brain-Based Learning in Mathematics).

"We understand best when facts are embedded in natural, spatial memory." (The Twelve Principles for Brain-Based Learning)

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ImplementationStudents with weak memories have trouble visualizing word problems.  I am going to translate the word problems into diagrams so that the student can visually understand the problem and be able to solve it.   For example:
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                “A train leaves Chicago for Detroit going 60 mph. At the same time, on an adjacent track, a train leaves Detroit heading for Chicago going 45 mph. Detroit is 280 miles from Chicago. How far are the trains from Chicago when they pass?" (Solution)

"Learning is enhanced by challenge and inhibited by threat." (The Twelve Principles for Brain-Based Learning)
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ImplementationAs you can see by the pyramid to the left, a student will retain significantly more if they are able to practice the math concept by doing problems on a computer repetitively rather than having the teacher continue to review the concept in a lecture format.  The computer software can select the level of the problem based on the level of the student offering repetition and then challenge when they have mastered the easier problems.  The student remains alert because they are doing the calculations and using their brain to create new and easier methods of reaching the answer.  This system provides immediate and concrete feedback to the student telling them if they have the answer correct or not.

"Each brain is unique.” (The Twelve Principles for Brain-Based Learning)

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Implementation: Since every brain is unique, it would make sense that every student learns and understands ideas in different ways right? Well, a man named Howard Gardner sure did think so. He came up with nine intelligences that he believes will help teachers better able to reach more students. (Howard Gardner’s Theory of 
Multiple Intelligences) As shown in the picture on the right, I may have students in my classroom that are not just visual learners, but may be kinesthetic learners. In order to reach these students I will need to adapt my lessons based on the types of learners in my classroom. If I had students that were kinestethic learners I would create hands on experiences in the classroom. I may do this by having students do group projects or use technology that allows students to do examples of problems on their own. 

As a teacher we also need to remember that each student will have to deal with problems in their life. To make sure that my students understand this I can incorporate it into my mathematics class through this quote: "Every person is born to a unique set of circumstances, time, place, family, natural affinities, intrinsic motivations, attraction to objects, activities and people in our environments. Fifty factors in different combinations would give us a figure of 50! or 3.04140932 × 1064.  The permutations and combinations of all the factors that create a human being may reach to the infinite."   (Every Brain is Unique)
 I will treat each student as an individual and try to account for the differences. A woman named Jill Bolte Taylor wrote these 12 techniques after she suffered a stroke and had to reteach herself everything she used to know. I will remember that:
  "1.  I am not stupid.  I am wounded.  Please respect me.
  2.    Repeat yourself.  Assume I know nothing and start from the beginning, over and over.
  3.    Be patient with me the 20th time you teach me something as you were the first.
  4.    Approach me with an open heart and slow your energy down. Take your time.
  5.    Do not access my cognitive ability by how fast I can think.
  6.    Cheer me on.  Expect me to recover completely, even if it takes twenty years.
  7.    Break all actions down into smaller steps of action.
  8.    Look for what obstacles prevent me from succeeding on a task.
  9.    Clarify for me what the next level or step is so I know what I am working toward.
10.  Remember that I have to be proficient at one level of function before I can move  onto the next level
11.  Focus on what I can do, rather than bemoan what I cannot do.
12.  Celebrate all of my little successes.  They inspire me." (Every Brain is Unique).

     There are multiple techniques for brain-based learning such as orchestrated immersion, relaxed alertness, and active processing (Wilson).  A student will understand and learn more if these brain-based techniques are utilized.   A teacher can utilize these techniques in a variety of way including those that are based in technology.  Technology can be used as a tool to provide a mechanism for the teacher to immerse students in complicated and interactive learning experiences, allow students to feel challenged so that they maintain alertness, and to allow the student to create different ways of solving the problem.  In addition, the use of technology can constantly increase the challenges to the student, maintain alertness in the class, and allow diverse solution creation. Technology can individualizes the curriculum and reinforces the best learning method for each student. The student must feel that they are being enriched by the material, obtain feedback from the instructor, and be able to visualize the material (Powell).

     YouTube can be used to create video lectures for the students to review when they have a question while doing their homework.  If a student encounters a problem he does not understand in his homework he can play the video link that shows the class lecture (Technology in the Classroom - US News).  These links can be broken down into small segments so that the student can listen to the one(s) that directly apply to the problems he is completing.  For example, the student is completing a graph but does not remember how the graph should be set up.  The student will go to the Facebook page for the class and click on the link with the YouTube lecture video.  The student will be able to repeat the necessary information and then practice the concept while completing his homework.  This process will allow for a greater retention by using a mix of brain-based learning techniques and technology.

      A computer based grouping can be accomplished so that all math students can share information and work together solving homework problems.  Facebook, twitter and Skype provide the tools a group of students need to work together while completing homework assignments from different locations.  Students who teach math concepts to other students will have the highest level of concept comprehension because they have to understand how to complete the problem and how to tell another person to complete it (Brain-Based Learning in Mathematics).  These technologies allow students to provide feedback to each other in real time. 

1. (2011, 14). Funderstanding: Education, Curriculum and Learning Resources. Brain-based Learning | Learning Theory | Funderstanding: Education, Curriculum and Learning Resources. Retrieved February 21, 2014, from
2. The Talking Page Literacy Organization . The Twelve Principles for Brain-Based Learning . Retrieved February 20, 2014, from
3. Wilson, L.O. University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point. Overview of Brain-based Education. Retrieved February 20, 2014, from
4. Powell, S.D. (2010, 20). | An Education & Child Development Site for Parents | Parenting & Educational Resource. Brain-Based Learning | Retrieved February 22, 2014, from
5. (2011, 25). Pierce College. Brain-Based Learning in Mathematics. Retrieved February 22, 2014, from
6. U.S. News & World Report. Technology in the Classroom - US News. Retrieved February 22, 2014, from
7. Image1:
8. Image 2:
9. Image 3:
10. Image 4:
11. Image 5:
12. Image 6:
13. WiseGEEK. What Is Rote Learning?. Retrieved February 24, 2014, from
14. Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - WordIQ Dictionary.Spatial memory - Definition | Retrieved February 24, 2014, from
15. Image 7:
16. MindEdge, Inc. | Corporate, Continuing, and Higher Education.Considering the Whole-Part-Whole learning model. Retrieved February 24, 2014, from 
17. Image 8:
Algebra Homework Help, Algebra Solvers, Free Math Tutors.SOLUTION: Problem: A train leaves Chicago.... Retrieved February 24, 2014, from
18. Image 9:
19. Image 10:
20. Image 11:
21. Image 12:
22. Image 13:
23. NIU - Northern Illinois University - Learning Today, Leading Tomorrow. Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences.Retrieved February 24, 2014, from
24. Image 14:
25. Taylor, J.B. Exponential Education-Releasing Human Potential.Every Brain Is Unique . Retrieved February 24, 2014, from

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